Thursday, August 30, 2012

日本語の練習した 〔一〕

八月三十日(はちがつさんじゅうにち) (木曜日(もくようび)) (はれ)




* Since I screw up in the mid sem exam, I figure I should do more practice with the plain form and past tense. It is just an exercise I hope I can do everyday >.<

Thursday, August 23, 2012

MIFF 2012: A Letter to Momo – Review

By May Ling Tan on 19 August, 2012
“Dear Momo…”
11 year old Momo finds an unfinished letter by her late father before he was killed in a work-related accident. As she had a fight with her late-father just before he died, she clings to this letter and the feelings of guilt for not able to apologize to his father. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Not so "smart" phone

Take a short walk in Sunway Pyramid and one will notice a lot of mobile users are using smartphone. Just 2 months ago I become one of these people with smartphone.

Why smartphone, not smartphone?

My smartphone seems to turn out not that smart after 2 months of using it. It doesn't understand what I want it to do at all and had to go through a middle person - Mr Google - so that the phone, the smartphone can finally understand what I want, which is kind of annoying.

I must admit, I'm a noob with smartphone but hey, if it is a smartphone, it should be smart enough to react to different situations and making sure users like me have no problem using it right?

But nooo... it has to be so smart and sync all the photo album in my google account, and put it in the phone, hijacking the memory space.

At first I thought, It's okay, there is this function call delete button. 

After several times of deleting the same freaking albums, those albums keep appearing again =.= So I finally cannot stand it two days ago and somehow, I delete all albums, and notice one of the album, which is the one that contain all photos for my blog is no longer reappearing in my phone (which is a good thing).

However, it seems like my phone do not get the idea of I want all album disappear from my phone! Other albums keep popping up.

Final resolution - Mr Google.

At last, managed to make sure those albums stop popping out.

Then the worst part came in:

Today I realised, it actually delete one of the album in my google account permanently in the internet! FUCK! So hence all those images I upload in my blog is gone, like literally gone. Such a smart phone @#*&!

So what is the lesson of the day?
  1. Never trust all those saying that  smartphone is smart.
  2. When communicating with  your  smartphone , make sure you go through Mr Google to prevent any disaster from happening to you.
  3. Dropping your  smartphone , thinking that it banging its head will become smarter is not an option either.
------------------------------------------ FIN ---------------------------------------------

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Life in Sunway is just boring.

Yah, that was what I had in mind for the first year when I moved into this place, where there is no monorail or LRT that is accessible via walking (screw the KTM because it is never in my public transport list due to its time consume in waiting for it). All is left is a mall call Sunway Pyramid (unless you want to spend 30mins waiting for bus or get a cab, then there are other malls).

So, my life at here is always the same routine: Go to class, go back to hostel and stare at my laptop screen or hunt for food (or when I'm not stress I will attend CG). Sometimes I wish I had a car. Then it won't be the same.

For the past 1 year, that is what my life is... until (recently) Sunway have to disrupt my peaceful, boring life.

First it was the construction site in front of the hostel (condominium) I'm staying in. Imagine walking pass a construction site flood with sand and dust, under the hot sun in 1pm. Heatstroke!
But thank God, it started raining recently so it wasn't that bad for now.

And when I thought the weather had finally got better. Sunway Lagoon had to have its bass playing fucking loud until my condominium can feel the beats.

So here is my question, HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO THINK CLEARLY FOR MY ASSIGNMENT WHEN YOU ARE PLAYING YOUR BASS SO LOUD? It is school holiday for school kids but not university students =.= please be more considerate as there are a lot of students living in your next door.

As a result, someone who is suppose to be writing her research brief and self-reflective statement ended up writing this random post in her blog because she cannot concentrate with the bass disrupting her peaceful life.
(What the fettucini am I doing in here?!)