Monday, July 12, 2010

The Letter, For Him

This is The Letter, a letter that I would like to write it for all fathers around the world, or at least, for my beloved father.

I had never have The Courage, the courage to tell my dad that I love him or to give him some advice. Don’t know why, and don’t ask why, because I never know the reason. But for this once, I really feel like telling him, that I love him, as my father, the best dad ever and I’m always here, besides him, no matter when or where, and as a daughter who he can trust and rely on.

There had been so many problems in my family. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, and then my grandmother was ill for a period of time. It might not be a big problem to some of you, but for me, it is. Even though my mom survived the ‘war’ but it left a huge impact in our life. Suddenly I realized, I almost lost my mom and my dad? He almost lost his wife. But we got lucky, at least God and Luck was on our side and my mom recovered and so does my grandmother.

Then there’s this other family problem which I cannot say much due to several reason and the most important one, I’m not suppose to find out. Somehow, I understand the reason why I’m not supposed to know but I’m already a young adult. Maybe I’m not really exposed to the real world but at least, share with mom, me and my sisters. Okay, exclude our youngest sister but the rest of us, we are all grown up. Even though we are still young, but there are certain things that you can’t hide from us. So please, let us know, at least we are here to LISTEN, at least mom is here to ADVISE. Then you can decide to pick her advice or not.

Family is born to support and encourage each other. We are always here to share and listen. Even if it’s a serious problem, please don’t bear it all to yourself because I know, it’s not your fault and you don’t have to bear all the responsible just because of some mistake done by the other family member. A real family will understand each other, and ADVISE or even SCOLD the person if he or she doesn’t wake up from his or her mistake.


I just want to let you know, that I will always your little daughter who will bicker with you, and a daughter who is and will always be right next to you, to lend you a hand to rely on whenever there’s a problem, especially a family related problem. At least FIVE brains works better than ONE brain, which equals to less stress and longer life span. I know I don’t have the courage to tell you face to face and the only way I’m comfortable of expressing it is via writing it without giving this letter to you, but I just wish I could have the courage and the right opportunity to tell you, that WE are always here for you.

From your beloved daughter.

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