Monday, August 30, 2010

The Little Girl

One never fully appreciate it until the time where they no longer have it or at the very least, ALMOST.

There's a little girl, living in a well protected castle. The castle where everything she needed is provided, everything she wanted is fulfilled. Well, not everything but almost everything she wanted is fulfilled. On two conditions, as long as she behave and depends on what she wanted.

However, there is this one thing she wanted but she never gets, was to leave the house and travel around to some foreign soil and experience something new.

As time pass by and the little girl grown up, where she is no longer a little girl but a lady. The unfulfilled dream is finally coming. The little girl always thought she will be doing fine and that her life will be better when its outside the castle but she was wrong.

And so the little girl venture out but soon, she realised, she misses home. A LOT. When she was there, she hardly appreciate it and now she is away, she misses it and kept hoping that the day would come. The day when she is allowed to return home.

While the little girl venture out, the more she realised how lucky she is. That she has everything she needed and still having it while there're people out there who wanted all these but couldn't have it.

Deep down in the little girl's heart, she is very glad that her parents are always by her side, supporting her, giving her the best gift ever, LOVE and HOME.

--------------- THE END ---------------

PS: If there's any er... grammatical error, please let me know (didn't proof read yet) XD or critics for improvement also are welcome ^^ 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blackie the pro in maggi mee

After the day trip to Tropicana City Mall again and to Suria KLCC again, I officially salute Blackie for all those ideas of preparing a meal without needed a stove, at all.

I had drop by to say 'Hi' to Kinokuniya again today, but this time, I had told myself, keep the 'conversation' short... and we did! I spend less than 2 hours in the book shop! Hooray!

There is this hunt for bread game when we head off to Tropicana this morning. Mushroom cheese sandwich, then Straberry Cheese tart and Blackie even fished a Portugal tart.

Then there is this wonderful 'Pork Burger'. Marvellous! The portion might look small but trust me, 2 ninjas are enough for you. Blackie, remember to upload the photos of our delicious brunch oh!

Next game would be hunting for hams... and yah, we did found it at the end. The feeling was like a miracle... With no gas and a broken stove, there's no way I can cook much in my new temporary home for 3 months. The sudden thought of ham is already cooked and can eat it cold hits me this morning so yah, that's how the hunting for hams game came in.

Took around 1 hour of lrt, or less than 1 hour, finally we reach KLCC. Blackie said she had never been to there since her dunno what school year, so we decide to pay a visit since it's just above the lrt station.

Walk walk walk, time to go back! So, 30mins of lrt and then... ONE HOUR OF WAITING FOR THE SHUTTLE BUS. OMG, this is so torturing... and I thought the bus would only come at 6pm. But luckily when it hits 5.30pm, it came. Lesson learnt is to wrote down all the schedule for the Tropicana City Mall Shuttle Bus back and fro from Kelana Jaya.

Aha, no worries, I won't let then one hour of bus waiting spoil our day just like that. Preparing dinner was fun. Blackie passed me a new recipe. It seems a bit gross at first when I heard it but when I look at it, it seems ok and when I tasted it, wow... NOT BAD!

Here's how you can survive without a gas and cook a maggi mee:
1. Boil hot water.
2. Wash the instant noodles and pour the hot water on it (in a bowl).
3. Wait for like... I dunno. Until it's soft.
4. Pour out the water.
5. Mix ketchup and chilli sauce with the seasoning thing that came with the instant noodles. Make sure the mix is mixed.
6. EAT IT!

To warm up the hams, just pour the hot water in the bowl with the hams and wait. Then enjoy it with bread and ketchup or chilli sauce.

- The End-

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The so call La-La-Land

It's been a while since my last update, don't worry, I'm still alive XD
Kinda drop out from the 'blog-ing' mood until recently. I guess too much of cosmopolitan pushed me back to the blog-ing box XD

So, this article below is not purely 100% my own idea. Why? This is what you get when you had nothing much to do in your first few days of intern except reading magazines, yes, piles and piles of magazines in order to understand more about their style etc.

There you go, a piece of post about relationship and life inspired by the Cosmopolitan International Edition magazine, I can't recall which country it is but should be either UK, US, Australia or South Africa.


Girls, please take note of this. You don't live in La La Land or Hollywood movie or series where your relationship is like those romance movies or series produced by film makers. That means it won't always be a happy ending like Cinderella story or as tragedy as the typical Korean drama, unless you are very lucky or unlucky, which I pray it won't. It won't be predicted easily also because life is complicated.

Yes, your romance life will be complicated, way more complicated than those drama or movie you watch in the big square or rectangular box with moving images. I'd seen a few girls who always wanted a guy to be something like the guys in movies.

In a real relationship, it's not about the guy having to comfort the girl, always be the typical gentlemen and tolerate the girl. A happy relationship does not consist of the commitment from one side but both, together. It's not just about you all the time so please stop acting like your relationship is just about you. Pay attention to your partner too.

If you think your are not happy with your relationship, instead of just blaming it to the other one, maybe it's time for you to have a look at yourself first, and then start thinking what's wrong with your relationship. When there's a problem in a relationship, there's no black and white in it as there's always something where both are wrong.

So, girls. Keep your high hope about a romantic relationship lower a bit instead of imagine it like La-La-Land romance or Hollywood romance and you might be happy with it. Even if it's just a tiny little stuff that you guys did together, sometimes it doesn't even need to cost much! Isn't that nice? To get happiness without having to pay? That's something FREE!

_____________________ The End ______________________

Referencing from Cosmopolitan International Edition.