Monday, August 30, 2010

The Little Girl

One never fully appreciate it until the time where they no longer have it or at the very least, ALMOST.

There's a little girl, living in a well protected castle. The castle where everything she needed is provided, everything she wanted is fulfilled. Well, not everything but almost everything she wanted is fulfilled. On two conditions, as long as she behave and depends on what she wanted.

However, there is this one thing she wanted but she never gets, was to leave the house and travel around to some foreign soil and experience something new.

As time pass by and the little girl grown up, where she is no longer a little girl but a lady. The unfulfilled dream is finally coming. The little girl always thought she will be doing fine and that her life will be better when its outside the castle but she was wrong.

And so the little girl venture out but soon, she realised, she misses home. A LOT. When she was there, she hardly appreciate it and now she is away, she misses it and kept hoping that the day would come. The day when she is allowed to return home.

While the little girl venture out, the more she realised how lucky she is. That she has everything she needed and still having it while there're people out there who wanted all these but couldn't have it.

Deep down in the little girl's heart, she is very glad that her parents are always by her side, supporting her, giving her the best gift ever, LOVE and HOME.

--------------- THE END ---------------

PS: If there's any er... grammatical error, please let me know (didn't proof read yet) XD or critics for improvement also are welcome ^^ 

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