Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final thoughts

Finally, after hours of staring and staring...
I'd decided.

For leading line... paper plane or by KY is advertisement for insurance XD

Another leading line to the house with shadow... but I still felt the lighting from the sky is too bright... T^T tried to edit but dunno how to reduce it...

Shadow~ It gave me the lonely feeling, maybe because of the colours and according to KY, this is emo~ XD

Last but not least, my favourite... I guess taking photo involve luck as well... For a beginner like me, I will said this is a lucky snap shot. Reflection and shadow, plus the harmonic colour... and yes, there is a reflection on the water surface, it looks like part of the grass from the soil but its not.. XD

That's all! Ja, mata ne~ ^.^

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