Saturday, April 17, 2010


Another day start with Blackie being late again due to some acceptable reason but Blackie, I forgive you, cause I should tell you to meet up one hour earlier XD next time I'm gonna give you a birthday present, alarm clock but its pantang for Chinese people so, maybe another reminder, I'll think about the message to put inside later. XDD

Dim Sum and yam cha was fun, talked a lot with old school mates and this are those I called as non-IT. It was an awesome time to chit chat and keep up with each other's recent life-style and what's going on news. Planned another street-walk with one of them again this weekend. ^^

Next thing, WAR MUSEUM!!! Okay, you might think there's nothing to take in War Museum but there is, a lot! Later I'll post up some snap shot I got from there. According to Blackie, some of the building is haunted, like the (Intelligence officer), British Other Rank 1(BOR1), there is even a few Indian Other Rank building, labelled IOR1 and 2. Then there is this bucket toilet XD. And a sign showing Beware of Wild Animal = Snakes. There is this tunnel for escape that leads to another end and the tomb of a Sergeant John Wolf. We didn't get into the tunnel cause it's totally dark and WE DIDN'T BRING TORCHLIGHT!!! >.<

A reminder to those who want to visit War Museum, bring your own torchlight, cause if you don't, they will rent you with RM2 for one torchlight, its not included with your entrance fees, you'll have to pay RM15 and extra RM2 for that torchlight. Oh, and bring mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito attack.

Next spot, Simpang Ampat I think, or somewhere in the island. And there is another road name with the same name as Sungai Pinang road, Jalan sungai Pinang in Balik Pulau!!!! I know, I know... I sound like a Sua Pa Kao but I rarely go to that area. So forgive me if I'm too excited.

We went to a lake at Teluk Kumbar, there was a mountain bike competition but we manage to get a few nice shot from the lake. According to Blackie again, that lake had a legend. It is told that one must not swim in that lake or their house will burn and she said it's true. I think because of this, the lake is very clean and well preserved, manage to snap a photo of shadow mixed with reflection at there. Shall use it for my photo assignment.

After this, we went to padi field near Lorong Paya, too bad it wasn't the right season. So after this is lunch, I ate ABC! Air Batu Campur!!! nice~ and the mee goreng, cook by an Indian guy wearing formal wear! and it's spicy! Finally, a spicy mee goreng that is finally spicy for me. XD

Finally, lao hao juice from Blackie's grandma, nice~ and kimchi!!! Isn't this the best day? YESH!!! Learnt a lot and so many nice snap-shot!

Blackie, we should had another trip again when you come back. That time we will invite Ginger Cat and Ah Boey to join us~

Okay, photos time~


That would be Blackie.

Blackie again~

Me~ and yes, we hate war! ^^

The tomb of Sergeant John Wolf.

The Intelligence Officer building. I.O

A description for I.O.

I guess this is Guinness as in the beer?

The bucket for the toilet.

Anti-air machine gun!


The port at Batu Maung I think...

ABC~ Air Batu Campur~ Ais Kacang~ It's nice, the best ais kacang I had for er, this year I think?

The stall, we thought the ABC got Pedas flavour... XD

The cat who slept under the table we sat and I almost step on it!!! She gave me a stare now... see, must be a good mother. She's pregnant.

The teluk at Teluk Kumbar~ Got a nicer photo but that's for assignment purpose XD after that only I will post. That is, if I remembered. XD

That's all. Mou tsukareta... Oyasuminasai!!!

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